Market Price stuck at $4040.35

Bisq Market price seems to be stuck at $4040.35, regardless of the price on, which is currently$3921.50. Is this just on my client, or is anybody else seeing this?

There is some volatility, but the price I see on my appli atm is 3917USD/BTC from
Which is also the price delivered by the pricenodes.

If you can, please post a screen copy.

I restarted Bisq, and also cleared the SPV file and restarted, but those didn’t help. I restarted my laptop, and now the price is matching

I also noticed a delayed update of the price yesterday evening around 19:00 UTC.

If you hover over the price the last update timestamp will be displayed:


I guess that some network and server (provider node) latency may lead to this divergence of the price between Bisq and the website.

The prices delivery is monitored, and nothing special was noticeable on 2019/03/25 around 19:00 UTC.

It seems to be stuck again:

I rebooted, and the price updated:

@sleepyhead , thanks for the informations,
but from the automatic monitoring side, there is nothing to report for the last hour(s).
Bisq has 5 pricenodes getting prices from bitcoinaverage and delivering,
and all 5 nodes are sync.

It could be an issue with your tor connections perhaps.
Try looking at the log files for any errors.

I’ve noticed this as well. The market price is stuck at 4040.35 for me right now too. And it also happened a few other days this week.

The monitoring reports nothing for the time you mentioned.

I’m interested in getting your returns for such incident.
But please try to mention the precise time slot.

As said by Alexej, you can have a look in your logfile which may contain informations about the price stuck reason.

Seems quite weird to have this exact 4040.35 value for both of you ?

I found this in the log file → grep Price bisq.log | grep WARN

Mar-27 17:51:05.478 [JavaFX Application Thread] WARN  b.c.p.p.PriceFeedService: We did not received a response from provider http://5bmpx76qllutpcyp.onion/. We select the new provider http://xc3nh4juf2hshy7e.onion/ and use that for a new request. 
Mar-27 17:52:09.494 [JavaFX Application Thread] WARN  b.c.p.p.PriceFeedService: We did not received a response from provider http://xc3nh4juf2hshy7e.onion/. We select the new provider http://ceaanhbvluug4we6.onion/ and use that for a new request. 
Mar-27 17:53:10.503 [JavaFX Application Thread] WARN  b.c.p.p.PriceFeedService: We did not received a response from provider http://ceaanhbvluug4we6.onion/. We select the new provider http://62nvujg5iou3vu3i.onion/ and use that for a new request. 
Mar-27 17:54:11.509 [JavaFX Application Thread] WARN  b.c.p.p.PriceFeedService: We did not received a response from provider http://62nvujg5iou3vu3i.onion/. We select the new provider http://5bmpx76qllutpcyp.onion/ and use that for a new request. 
Mar-27 17:55:12.509 [JavaFX Application Thread] WARN  b.c.p.p.PriceFeedService: We did not received a response from provider http://5bmpx76qllutpcyp.onion/. We select the new provider http://44mgyoe2b6oqiytt.onion/ and use that for a new request. 
Mar-27 17:57:13.529 [JavaFX Application Thread] WARN  b.c.p.p.PriceFeedService: We did not received a response from provider http://44mgyoe2b6oqiytt.onion/. We select the new provider http://xc3nh4juf2hshy7e.onion/ and use that for a new request. 
Mar-27 17:58:13.531 [JavaFX Application Thread] WARN  b.c.p.p.PriceFeedService: We did not received a response from provider http://xc3nh4juf2hshy7e.onion/. We select the new provider http://ceaanhbvluug4we6.onion/ and use that for a new request. 
Mar-27 17:59:15.535 [JavaFX Application Thread] WARN  b.c.p.p.PriceFeedService: We did not received a response from provider http://ceaanhbvluug4we6.onion/. We select the new provider http://62nvujg5iou3vu3i.onion/ and use that for a new request. 
Mar-27 18:00:17.540 [JavaFX Application Thread] WARN  b.c.p.p.PriceFeedService: We did not received a response from provider http://62nvujg5iou3vu3i.onion/. We select the new provider http://5bmpx76qllutpcyp.onion/ and use that for a new request. 
Mar-27 18:01:18.552 [JavaFX Application Thread] WARN  b.c.p.p.PriceFeedService: We did not received a response from provider http://5bmpx76qllutpcyp.onion/. We select the new provider http://44mgyoe2b6oqiytt.onion/ and use that for a new request. 
Mar-27 18:02:21.566 [JavaFX Application Thread] WARN  b.c.p.p.PriceFeedService: We did not received a response from provider http://44mgyoe2b6oqiytt.onion/. We select the new provider http://xc3nh4juf2hshy7e.onion/ and use that for a new request. 
Mar-27 18:03:22.571 [JavaFX Application Thread] WARN  b.c.p.p.PriceFeedService: We did not received a response from provider http://xc3nh4juf2hshy7e.onion/. We select the new provider http://ceaanhbvluug4we6.onion/ and use that for a new request.

There were indeed issues with one pricenode at this timeslot :
2019-03-27 17:00 ; 5 ; 193 ; -1 ; 0.05 ; 0 ; 0 ok
2019-03-27 17:05 ; 5 ; -1 ; 2 ; 0.05 ; 0 ; 0 issue

2019-03-27 19:25 ; 5 ; -1 ; 2 ; 0.05 ; 0 ; 0 issue
2019-03-27 19:30 ; 5 ; 193 ; -1 ; 0.05 ; 0 ; 0 ok

It’s quite unusual, but it happens however from time to time.

I tried to take an offer today that failed showing this dialog:


From the log:

Mar-28 20:21:39.865 [JavaFX Application Thread] WARN  b.c.p.p.PriceFeedService: We did not received a response from provider http://44mgyoe2b6oqiytt.onion/. We select the new provider http://ceaanhbvluug4we6.onion/ and use that for a new request. 
Mar-28 20:37:57.888 [JavaFX Application Thread] INFO  b.c.t.TaskRunner: Run task: ProcessOfferAvailabilityResponse 
Mar-28 20:37:57.889 [JavaFX Application Thread] ERROR b.c.t.Task: An error occurred at task: ProcessOfferAvailabilityResponse
Take offer attempt rejected because of: PRICE_OUT_OF_TOLERANCE 
Mar-28 20:37:57.889 [JavaFX Application Thread] ERROR b.c.t.TaskRunner: Task failed: ProcessOfferAvailabilityResponse / errorMessage: An error
 occurred at task: ProcessOfferAvailabilityResponse

I guess that the failed offer taking is related to the price service that is delayed on my or on the maker side.

Considering this log statement

Mar-28 21:11:16.585 [JavaFX Application Thread] INFO b.c.p.p.PriceFeedService: Received new MarketPrice(currencyCode=EUR, price=3536.96, timestampSec=1553124826495, isExternallyProvidedPrice=true) from provider http://62nvujg5iou3vu3i.onion/ after 1.114 sec.

I would derive that the price feed service is returning old prices.

The timestamp 1553124826495 - assuming milliseconds - is a couple of days in the past.

The Unix timestamp of the log statement would be:

date -d "Mar 28 2019 21:11" +%s

The timestamp of the price however would result in:

date -d @1553124826
Mar 21 00:33:46 CET 2019

@tieck Thanks for those detailed informations
(You should contribute to Bisq !).
Devs are atm busy with the v0.9.6 release,
but we try to understand what happens here.

Weird. My client just got stuck at the same price. $4040.35
According to the popup info box, the price hasn’t updated in 24 minutes.

from the log:

Mar-28 18:00:11.314 [JavaFX Application Thread] INFO  b.c.p.p.PriceFeedService: request from provider http://xc3nh4juf2hshy7e.onion/ 63.012 sec. after last request

Mar-28 18:00:13.188 [JavaFX Application Thread] INFO  b.c.p.p.PriceFeedService: Received new MarketPrice(currencyCode=USD, price=4040.35, timestampSec=1553124826495, isExternallyProvidedPrice=true) from provider http://62nvujg5iou3vu3i.onion/ after 1.874 sec.

Mar-28 18:00:16.317 [NetworkNode:SendMessage-to-9534cc46-9907-4049-9705-01ca47e1badc] WARN  b.n.p.n.Connection: We got 2 sendMessage requests in less than 20 ms. We set the thread to sleep for 50 ms to avoid flooding our peer. lastSendTimeStamp=1553814016301, now=1553814016317, elapsed=16, networkEnvelope=RefreshOfferMessage

Well, in the time it took me to post this, the price has updated in my client. It took close to 30 minutes.

If the price remains the same, does the time in the info box update? We’ll figure it out. :clock9:

I reinstalled Bisq this evening after still seeing the 4040.35 and that seemed to fix the problem for me.

@peoples ,
The concerned node in your post has indeed its USD/BTC price stucked at 4040.35
Still the case atm.
We’ll see how to fix that.

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@BitSpartacus ,
It’s probably not necessary to reinstall Bisq.
Simply close the app and run it again and you may pick (randomly) another pricenode.