Mediation proposal not appearing

I am the buyer of BTC and my offer was accepted.

Seller of BTC is unable to release the coins and is stuck on step 2. Waiting for me to confirm payment was sent.
I did select the “Payment sent” option shortly after sending Zelle payment to seller and the seller confirmed he received my Zelle payment.

Support ticket opened and mediation for this has lasted over the weekend.

Today mediator advised I should have the option to accept the mediation proposal

I do not have said option on my end.

Reopened Bisq multiple times and restarted my system and still do not see option to accept mediation proposal.

Not sure what next steps to take any help is appreciated as I am new to Bisq.

This was on v1.5.5 on a Windows 10 PC.

Thank you.

Hi. You should see the mediation proposal at “Portfolio - Open Trades” at lower left side. If you don’t, please go to Keybase support channel.
You can also contact your mediator using Finding your mediator - Bisq Wiki