Mediation suggestion


I´m in the middle on a dispute and I don´t know where can I check which is the mediation suggestion, I tried everything on the “support” tab but I´m not able to check / accept the suggestion.

Can anyone help me? I feel really silly because my mediator tells me that I need to click one button which I´m not able to find…

Thanks a lot

Hi @alfredo

No need to feel silly. It is only easy when you know how :grinning:

On Bisq go to > Portfolio > Open Trades

Click on trade that has been disputed. The mediation result should then pop up. alternatively click on the ‘View proposed resolution’ button on the bottom left of your screen in > Portfolio > Open Trades > Trade being disputed

Hope that helps.

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Thanks for your support Pazza.

Something is not working fine because the mediation result doesn´t pop up and there is no “view proposed resolution” button :S

In that case you need to let your mediator and trade partner know you are not seeing the proposed resolution option.

A manual payout is possible: Manual payout - Bisq Wiki