I had an offer up to buy btc using “national bank transfer” and someone accepted it. Then, I called my bank and did a wire transfer to the sellers bank. Thought all was well, but then about 10 minutes later I get a call back. They said that they are having problems because it is a prepaid bank account I am trying to send money into and the info I gave them was wrong.
What is a prepaid bank account? My bank didn’t even seem to know. (This is my first transaction on bisq and I don’t know what a prepaid bank account is but it sent an alarm bell off.)
They gave me a phone number to call for help. I looked the number up on duckduckgo first and it leads to a website called movo.cash. So, I tried calling the number but they are closed still because they are located in cali. They open soon. Waiting to call back.
I should be ok sending the cash still, right? That is if I can even send the money pending my phone call to this movo company.
Any insight on this would be appreciated. What happens if I end up not being able to send the payment?