I sent a withdrawal transaction over a day ago, and it still has 0 confirmations. Silly me; I got stingy and overrode the mining fee to 10 s/Vb while the miners seem to be only accepting transactions with 14 s/Vb or above.
I would like to increase the mining fee on this transaction. I did some reading, and learned about replace-by-fee. But this option seems to have been disabled by Bisq when it sent the transaction. There seems to be another method which uses double spending with a higher fee, but I don’t have any details about how to do that.
Is there a way to unstick my transaction? Has anyone here used the double spending method? Would you mind stepping me through it?
Otherwise, I think I’ll just have to wait. Hopefully things will settle down this weekend, so the fees can come down.
BTW: The transaction in question is: