This release comes with 3 new payment mehtods and applies the industry standard for altcoin price notation and currency pair notation.
Release notes
- Add new payment methods: Cash deposit, US Postal money order, ClearXchange
- Remove support for bank transfers in US (ACH has high chargeback risk and WIRE is too expensive)
- Added new altcoins: LBRY Credits, Syndicate, HunCoin, Unobtanium, Digibyte, VCoin, Decred, Crypto Bullion, 1CRedit, YACCoin, Advanced Internet Blocks
- Apply industry standard with altcoin price notation and currency pair notation
- Show all offers in market screen
- Click on offers in market scree row triggers navigation to Buy or Sell screen and selects currency
- Rearrange columns so sell and buy prices are in the middle to see spread better
- Rename columns headers and table header
- Add currency pair, primary market based values and display strings for price, amount and volume for offer and trade json files
- Fixed bug with missing persistence of preferences changes
- Use defuat vlaue true for “Use Tor for BitcoinJ”
- Sort currencies in lists alphabetically
- Add checkbox in settings to display nr. of trades or offers for currency list in market screens. Sort by nr. trade/offer if selected.
- Ignore offers in market offer book view which are further than 30% from best price if there are more then 3 offers on one side
- Show only currencies in market view which are used in offers or trades
- Replace payment method column with accumulated BTC amount in market offer book
- Add payment method column to trades statistics table
- Store arbitrator pubKey in trade object to avoid null pointer when the arbitrator is not available in the trade process
- Set flag to connection at initial data request so the peer does not get disconnected from seed node if max connections are reached at seed node.