Hello, i would like to submit a listing request on Bisq for NIX Platform (NIX)
We can provide more links as being a nwe users here we can’t post more than 2
As required by the req doc, I enclose the followings;
- Official NIX Platform website: https://nixplatform.io/
- Ticker Symbol: NIX
- Official coin name: NIX Platform
- NIX Blocks Explorer: https://blockchain.nixplatform.io/
- Example addresses:
Segwit Address(Ghost Nodes): GcTxCwanPVYY7DV7b3YA97xgyhPP63tdoA
Non Segwit address: NTxRUjXRJucxBQH2x1xMrbkd3MiBijdpLN
- NIX Platform asset ticker symbol do not conflict with other asset ticker symbols (NIX)
- NIX ticker doesnt conflict and is ISO 4217 compliant
- Listed on Coin Market Cap
- Social media accounts: to follow
If we can get a mail contact or in DM i w would be appreciated;
NIX Platform Team