No deposit TXN, instructions unclear to find deposit TXN id

I just tried to open up a dispute for a failed trade (no deposit transaction) and it’s asking me for the deposit TXN id, to select it from a dropdown list.

It says “You can find the correct transaction by opening the trade details window and following the trading fee payment transaction output to the next transaction where you see the multisig deposit transaction (the address starts with a 3).”

But when I click on the taker fee transaction it says “transaction not found” in the block explorer, is this maybe because the taker paid with BSQ and therefore I can’t follow it in this way?

How am I able to lodge a dispute so I can get my trading fee back?

It may be that, but I’m not sure at all.
BSQ being colored BTC, it should be followable as well.
The best is probably to ask directly to your arbitrator since you have already open a dispute.

The issue is that I can’t open a dispute because it’s making me select a deposit transaction id first before i open the dispute and I can’t find that out.

Just pick any from the drop down list and it will open arbitration, does not have to be accurate.