Notification architecture

Continuing the discussion from Deposit Transaction Still Did Not Get Confirmed:

Hi @christoph @ManfredKarrer

I am enjoying discussion on this platform and will see where it leads, if that is OK with yourselves (PS Christoph, Slack invite from you is no longer valid).

With reference to:

I would like to propose a high level architectural alternative based on some existing software here:

Twister functions as a decentralised, p2p “Twitter” using a blockchain. I tried it a few years ago and, technically, it worked a treat.

This may provide some ideas as to how “in-app” notifications could work more persistently and “recover” if a user closes the app or their network connection corrupts.

I will offer my opinion on “out of app” notifications. Personally, I will be comfortable with notifications using email or This is based on my own, subjective feelings of trust and paranoia.

I cannot attest to the technical feasibility of connecting to “Signal”, but for the matter of email I think that this could be done without a centralised approach. Given that it is possible (?) for the Bisq client app to connect to a smtp server outside of the onion network, the approach could be simply to make it easy for users to purchase any number of independent smtp services in-app using Btc. People who already have a smtp service could just enter their own details. The challenged would be to find email providers who will sell services for Btc and then to automate the purchase and in-app setup. (One click setup for users)

This way there is no centralised point of potential failure. Every user has an independent contract with any number of email providers. The problem will arise that only one contractual party has availed of external notification, is offline with their Bisq client, and expects notifications to arrive. There could be two approaches to this scenario:

  1. Before agreeing to a trade, the app shows clearly that there is no two party facility for external notifications. This could serve as an incentive for users to enable a service as they will be less attractive trading partners.
  2. Using the “Twister” typology, the connection details of smtp (or other) is encrypted into the communication blockchain. The trade contract includes the clause that a trading partner will be allowed to use your connection anonymously.

I apologise in advance if these ideas are technically naive. I am an architect (academically of the bricks and concrete kind) who has strayed into the world of web development and UX/UI. I became interested in blockchain and bitcoin in 2011 and bittorrent, decentralised systems and FOSS before then.

Hi @citkane!

@slack invite link: - I just tested it, works for me.

@communication: I saw that you have a github account. Would you mind moving the discussion on the notification to the issue @ManfredKarrer created ( So all the involved parties are notified properly. What do you think?



Thanks @christoph, I have copied the discussion onto GIT.

Here is a screen shot of what I am getting with the Slack link. I have tried it on a cleared cache as well:

True - only tried it being logged in into Slack - will inform the owner of the link to update it. and thanks for moving the discussion to GitHub! :slight_smile: