Offer tx not found on tradeblock & deposit tx is not listed

The trade id 0116379-69870cc8-99d6-4323-84b1-0bc6eb96d805-04993 has the offer transaction d3aa785da77870fa431a38e1e93da18736f0564e3dffc8470bba2675ec0a82e3 that is not found on tradeblock and deposit tx is not listed.

please open a dispute (cmd+o or ctrol+o)

The support ticket panel is encountering a ‘java.lang.NullPointer’ error and does not how the support ticket that has been raised for this trade.
The log file on my machine cannot be uploaded a it is not an image.

Ups… Can u try to restart and open again? can u send me the log file by email? (manfred at bitsquare dot io)

The June 3 trade (0116379) is still open and I am willing to send GBP payment but the dispute ticket is invisible to me. How can this proceed ?

I replied in the app chat. I tried to close again but no fund have left the wallet as the makers fee tx was never confirmed and is removed form the mem pool. if u dont see the funds in available funds ping me by email (manfred at bitsquare dot io)

The deposit funds are back in my wallet - thank you.