Whenever there is an update to Bisq, it puts you through a manual Hell. You are first asked about downloading it at all (but if you don’t, you can’t use the program, so it’s a requirement), then it does so as you wait, and then it requires multiple manual steps to actually apply the update, as if you were installing it initially on a fresh system.
On Linux, which I run, I’m also forced to open a terminal, go to the right directory where the update was downloaded (you are not allowed to provide a full path in the next command for some reason), and then type sudo apt install ./Bisq-64bit-1.9.15.deb
This, especially combined with the many frustrating glitches which keep occurring every (or almost every) time I open Bisq, makes using Bisq feel like a chore.
On the other hand, when Tor Browser has an update ready, it simply lets you know in a corner, and as soon as you click that button, it quits, quickly applies the already-downloaded and verified update, and starts right back up again into the new version. One click. Just like one expects.
Why can’t Bisq also do it like this? I hope that this will at least be one of the major improvements of Bisq 2.