Please hekp me i need to completrlt remove bisq

I have a trwzor wallet jooked up to a wallet spftware and now after downloading bisq it wants me to update it to bitcoin obly firmware. Total dealbrwaker please help me remove it completelt and the bircoin core feon my system im on linux pkease help me please my whole life is tied to this

I can assure you bisq has nothing to do with what happened.
If it’s Bisq1, maybe you clicked on the bitcoin: link to fund the internal wallet, and then the trezor software did the rest (but it would have happened with any other such link anyway).
If it was Bisq2, then it’s even less likely than with Bisq1.
Neither will do anything to your system in general, nor will do anything at all unless you start them, so if you are not running them, it’s like they were never installed in the first place.
If you still need to remove it, you probably just have to delete everything under /opt/Bisq

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