The support channel is the only place where support issues are handled from now on. We have too many channels and developers and mediators cannot follow all those.
The verified Bisq mediators on Keybase are:
sjlho4zwp3gecspf.onion @mediator3
re6iu6hfv5aoiuep.onion @mediator
The verified Bisq underwriters (fka arbitrator) are:
I will not open an account on keybase only for bisq. ! why don’t u offer support directly on this forum or inside the app?
We recently migrated to Keybase from Slack because it has better security and privacy, check it out, you might like it.
I agree there should be a “ticket system” inside the Bisq app with Support Agent(s) to handle these cases. We are discussing it now on Keybase.
This topic is not even pinned here!
You still might get support here, people still use the forum and someone might be able to help you. But devs need to use keybase anyway for coordination, I assume, so they don’t want to log into the forum just for this, so you will get better support on keybase.
You will get support from mediator inside the app, but in case it doesn’t work or you have a general question where other users can help, you can still come here if you don’t want to use keybase.
No PGP Signature on the Keybase downloads page so I cannot verify their signature, nor install Keybase on my Mac.