Portfolio still shows a transaction that was closed by support - money still locked :(

transaction ID 95538458-86410f60-9eab-48af-956d-13a83989a32a-111 is shown as closed support and in portfolio. This is still locking some BTC :frowning: how to clean this since I cannot open a support ticket in App since it was already handled?

In the appli, you can try
Settings/Network Info/Delete SPV file

If your wallet is young, itā€™s generally fast. However please notice that if your wallet is old, this will take time (can be hours) and the CPU will be used at 100%.

did it but no change still BTC locked and transaction shown under close support cases and open trades which makes no sense.

You could look at the deposit transaction with a block explorer. If the multisig address (the one starting with ā€œ3ā€) still has some balance, your BTC really are still locked, then you should ping or PM the arbitrator.
If this address doesnā€™t contain any balance, itā€™s probably just a visual bug (again, you can verify that you got paid out by looking where the balance of the mulitsig address went).

I think that we had already such a case at least once.
And it was indeed just a UI bug.
If Iā€™m not wrong, It was solved by reinitializing some file ā€¦ but I do not remember which.

Balance on the multisig address is 0 - so far so good. still anoying that the transaction is displayed in locked funds and open trades.
If anybody has an idea how to sort this out - appreciated.

This is how I understand the situation:

  • In the portfolio, the trade is listed in both Open trades and History
  • The ticket for the trade in the Support tab is closed/greyed out
  • The Locked funds tab shows the funds as locked in the multisig address, but this address is actually empty on the blockchain
  • You can see the address where the funds from the multisig address were sent to in the Send funds tab and could spend them if you wanted to

Is all of this correct?
If it is, I would complete all remaining trades (if you have any) and once the falsely listed trade is the only one left in the Open trades list, I would delete the file ā€œPendingTradesā€ in the btc_mainnet/db directory within your Bisq data directory (but make a backup first!).
After this, the trade will be gone from the Open trades list. I donā€™t know if this will correct the locked balance display, letā€™s hope it will.

Another option would be to start over with a fresh data directory. Thereā€™s a thread somewhere here on the forum about how to do it. If you want to save the transaction fees, you can even import your old wallet seed. The disadvantage of this is that youā€™ll lose your trade history, so be sure to export it to CSV before you make the switch if you want to keep it.

Did not change anything just not using bisq for a day now while starting I get a nulpoint exception and looking at the log I see

Juni-22 09:52:34.386 [JavaFX Application Thread] INFO  b.n.p.p.g.RequestDataHandler: Start processing 40 items. 
Juni-22 09:52:34.443 [JavaFX Application Thread] INFO  b.n.p.P2PService: Received a DisputeResultMessage mailbox message with messageUid 2236c90a-8322-4d66-ba56-7ebde1e5834b and senderAddress g72ouph23eznvpuz.onion:9999 
Juni-22 09:52:34.530 [JavaFX Application Thread] INFO  b.c.a.DisputeManager: Received DisputeResultMessage with tradeId nptlnuj-7a99ff50-78f2-4756-bc3f-04f82a482bab-111 and uid 2236c90a-8322-4d66-ba56-7ebde1e5834b 
Juni-22 09:52:34.556 [JavaFX Application Thread] **WARN  b.c.a.DisputeManager: We got already a dispute result. That should only happen if a dispute needs to be closed again because the first close did not succeed.** 


Juni-22 09:52:34.602 [JavaFX Application Thread] ERROR b.c.s.CommonSetup: Stack trace:
	at com.google.common.base.Preconditions.checkNotNull(Preconditions.java:770)
	at bisq.core.btc.wallet.TradeWalletService.traderSignAndFinalizeDisputedPayoutTx(TradeWalletService.java:920)
	at bisq.core.arbitration.DisputeManager.onDisputeResultMessage(DisputeManager.java:937)
	at bisq.core.arbitration.DisputeManager.dispatchMessage(DisputeManager.java:329)
	at bisq.core.arbitration.DisputeManager.lambda$applyMessages$14(DisputeManager.java:283)

Opened a bugticket for this as well.

Trade Z3NDUWqS
support ticket closed, but trade still shows under open tardes and amount 0.0149 BTC
still locked.
arb: s6yrrpezc3zp6biy.onion:9999

Delete SPV file and resynced, trade Z3NDUWqS is still open and multisig address locked with my BTC.
Arbitrator please close the trade!

The locked BTC were returned. This is OK.
But the trade sticks as open in my list. Please close it.

As already suggested by @a123b , I suggest that you delete the file ā€œPendingTradesā€ in the btc_mainnet/db directory within your Bisq data directory (but make a backup first!).

Did do this but now BISQ is no longer starting properly - getting exceptions.

@endurance Wait, so Bisq failed to start after you deleted the file? Your previous post read like Bisq failed to start even without changing anything in the data directory? Or did you fix that problem and after deleting the file youā€™re getting a new exception? If so, what exception are you getting?

Had the issues with locked funds in GUI. moved the pending trades out of the directory. Got some nullpointer exceptions. Moved it back still get nullpointer exceptions.

Juni-25 07:14:24.394 [JavaFX Application Thread] ERROR b.c.a.DisputeManager: AckMessage for DisputeCommunicationMessage failed. Peer g72ouph23eznvpuz.onion:9999. tradeId=nptlnuj-7a99ff50-78f2-4756-bc3f-04f82a482bab-111, uid=167917ea-3c24-43c9-a35b-bdd9c57052a6, errorMessage=We did not send the EncryptedMailboxMessage because the peer does not support the capability. 
Juni-25 07:14:24.394 [JavaFX Application Thread] ERROR b.c.s.CommonSetup: Uncaught Exception from thread JavaFX Application Thread 
Juni-25 07:14:24.395 [JavaFX Application Thread] ERROR b.c.s.CommonSetup: throwableMessage= null 
Juni-25 07:14:24.395 [JavaFX Application Thread] ERROR b.c.s.CommonSetup: throwableClass= class java.lang.NullPointerException 
Juni-25 07:14:24.511 [JavaFX Application Thread] ERROR b.c.s.CommonSetup: Stack trace:
	at com.google.common.base.Preconditions.checkNotNull(Preconditions.java:770)
	at bisq.core.btc.wallet.TradeWalletService.traderSignAndFinalizeDisputedPayoutTx(TradeWalletService.java:920)
	at bisq.core.arbitration.DisputeManager.onDisputeResultMessage(DisputeManager.java:937)

related to the disputes. Meanwhile I copied the wallet, fiataccoutdata and done orders to a second installtion. There it works, with the drawback that BISQ no states account is new ā€¦ I now removed the dispute list - then exceptions are gone. With removing pending trades in addition also the lockdisplay issue is gone. So far I am OK again.

Did you try running from the PR with the fix? If you didnā€™t, it has now been merged to master so if you are able to compile you can try running from master. Be aware that master hasnā€™t been well tested but there isnā€™t much difference to v1.1.2

If youā€™re not comfortable to run from master you will have to wait for the next release.