Tried to initiate a trade with a listed offer and got this error. What does it mean?
The %based price which the offerer calculates with the price feed (e.g. 1%: 600 USD * 1.01 = 606) is different than your calculated price. There is a tolerance window as there is no guarantee that both have the same market price, but if the difference is outside that tolerance the offerer rejects that takers attempt.
You can try it again after a bit. Then it is probable that the market price is the same again. Should not happen often (and its the first report), only if there is high volatility or one peer has problems with price updates.
Though the popup text should be improved…
I am getting these errors very frequently recently.
Might this be possible due to the small volalitalty in bitcoin price right now?
Is there a way this could be improved somehow? Maybe on my part?
Or do I have to wait till all peers update the price to a simillar/same level?
Been trying to buy BTC all morning and getting this error all the time.
Might it be, that bisq is updating the bitcoinaverage price too infrequently.
right now bisq price ist over 150€ below the average BTC price on the website.
and this is at least since last 3h the case.
Yeah, there seems to be an issue with one of the price nodes.
It seems stuck on 4040.35$ according to Market Price stuck at $4040.35.
As I understand it is the issue with the node that has the onion address 62nvujg5iou3vu3i.onion
In fact, many prices delivered by the above mentioned pricenode are stucked.
Including EUR/BTC stucked at 3536.96 , 111€ away from the right price.
Should be fixed again. Let me know if still an issue
seems it maybe stuck again…
The contributor in charge is aware of the issue and works on it.
I’ve been getting this error over the last few days. Is anyone else?
Did you try to go to Settings and change “max deviation form market price”?