Privacy: address tracing

Please pardon my ignorance here, but if I have funds in my bisq “wallet” (addresses created by the bisq client), are they somehow “known” to come from bisq (from the same merkle root as a key owned by Bisq, or something)? I’m sure I’m using the wrong words, but basically what I want to know is: would someone doing chain analysis be able to tell that funds transferred from my bisq wallet to my trezor (for example) be able to tell that the funds came from a bisq wallet?

I mean I’ve seen chain analysis on addresses that were traced back to known addresses at Mt. Gox…

How “private” are bisq wallet addresses ?

Any definitive answers on this would be appreciated.


Bisq wallet is just as private as any other wallet (perhaps a bit more since it only connects over Tor).
No one can tell that you generated these addresses with your Bisq client any more than they would be able to tell that some address was generated with Bitcoin Core or Electrum wallet.

If you have done some trades in Bisq however than your bitcoins were locked in a 2-of-3 multisig at one point during a trade. So unless that is found as a good reason to believe that these bitcoins were traded in Bisq at one point, you don’t have anything to worry about.

Other people use 2-of-3 multisigs as well, it is relatively popular as a trustless escrow.

Bitcoin is 100% transparent and traceable. It doesnt matter if you enter a tunnel (tor) to stay hidden from a police cars and helicopters when you have a tracking device attached to your ankle (transparent blockchain).

Fund your bisq/btc wallet with monero via Now all you have to worry about is counter party risk with your peer. “They” trace them, they can trace to you if you transacted with a bank account online. Use cash. Profit. Love bitcoin, but its not online cash.


Fund your bisq/btc wallet with monero via Now all you have to worry about is counter party risk with your peer. “They” trace them, they can trace to you if you transacted with a bank account online. Use cash. Profit. Love bitcoin, but its not online cash.

Correct, but the whole problem is how to move to Monero in the first place.

If you don’t trade with people you know personally, using cash, then your only way to anonymously get into cryptospace is by earning your coins. No other way around it.

You either have to know someone you trust in cryptospace personally or provide work in exchange for your monero/bitcoins.

You can always look for some work online that they pay in bitcoins. You always have signature campaigns on bitcointalk that don’t pay much, but anyone can do them.

With the DAO coming out, you will be able to do this on Bisq as well and be paid in BSQ tokens, which you can trade here for some bitcoins or whatever anonymously.

The difficulty is not getting Bitcoin, it’s getting Monero.
Most people are much more familiar and comfortable with Bitcoin for some reason.
Insisting on a Monero payment isn’t very reasonable unfortunately. I wish it was.

I guess that is why Menero community loves to use Bisq.
Easy and private way for them to exchange their BTC to XMR and back.

To be honest, there are scenarios where it is easier to get XMR instead of BTC.
Like if you are mining, Monero regularly forks so that you can only mine with a GPU.
It is easier to get Monero then Bitcoin without interacting with a single person, but that might be just a specific case.