Request for 1 new pair in next version: VES/Dash

rationale: a)Since the #1 blockchain currency on the list for being accepted by merchants in Venezuela is Dash (discoverdash dot com, browse over Vnzla flag-> 2,420 merchants accepting Dash)
b)Win-win scenario: commencement of VES/Dash trading activity on Bisq, fee income to Bisq network, consumers in Vnzla have access to decentralized exchange for this pair (especially useful if a gov crackdown in Vnzla in the future on centralized-exchanges)

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Bisq only supports pairs that have BTC on one end at the moment.
Devs are working on a new trading protocol that requires new Bisq DAO token called BSQ as bonding.

New trading protocol will allow for any two pairs to be traded safely, but we are still at least months away from a release of Bisq DAO on mainnet.
Currently Bisq DAO is on Bitcoin testnet and you can help testing it.
You can read more about testing the DAO here.

great. Just 2 things to add: 1) given the humanitarian crisis in Vnzla, the request for an attempt to add this pair prior to the release of the Bisq DAO on mainnet
2) With risk of the Vnzla gov. shutting down the centralized exchanges, it will be good to have this pair available sooner so there is time for consumers to become familiarized with Bisq Network

Bisq already had Dash as a base currency, earlier versions of the software are still working and can be downloaded to recreate the Dash market, even though these versions are outdated by now and there are no seed nodes or arbitrators on it.

This code can always be forked in case of emergency, although I understand the convenience of having the latest version with a Dash market. However running seed nodes and arbitrators for another market is costly and harder to maintain, this is why it was removed.

In case of a high demand, I am sure devs would reconsider adding the Dash market to newer versions of Bisq.

To my knowledge Dash is collapsing to the point of not being able to support any developers from now on. It is better for Venezuelans to use Bitcoin. They can also buy Bitcoin on Bisq and then Dash although the liquidity is very low.

Exclusive: KFC To Start Accepting Dash Payments In Venezuela Next Week via @forbes

Absolutely not. Dash is not Ethereum Classic and is not collapsing, quite the contrary actually:

Where did you get your “knowledge”?
How can you assert that “It is better for Venezuelans to use Bitcoin”?

Good for you. Invest more in Dash, much more.