[RESOLVED THANKS!] Open dispute... Just making sure the arbitrator has received my message

Hey guys,

First of all, apologies for coming over as pushy by taking this to the forum. It’s just that there’s literally all of my money stuck in this trade and I cannot afford to lose it, in case my message wasn’t delivered to the arbitrator due to a software bug (I’ve seen this happen in former forum posts so I decided to better be safe than sorry).

To the arbitrator: By all means take your time, in case you have not looked into it yet. I know you guys have better things to do.

Okay long story short: I have disputed a trade last night after the buyer failed to release my BTC within the 24h timeframe (I’m selling XMR for BTC).

Trade ID: OM87U
Buyer/seller onion addys: fcm5mlbavbyuzn7a.onion:9999 (me)/ no7fi7cffpbeiuga.onion:9999 (trading partner)
Arbitrator: 3de2y2bhifakoa7m.onion:9999

The arbitrator should have received a message from me containing, tx ID, tx key, and tx signature in order to verify that I’ve sent the other party the XMR. Not going to disclose the details here, because privacy.

As I said, I just want to make sure, the arbitrator has received my message.


It is absolutely fine to take any issues that you might be having with Bisq to the forum.
You are always welcome to post your concerns here :slight_smile:

This is @cbeams’s trade and he will most likely try to respond within next 24h, since you opened a dispute. If not, he should be seeing it here shortly.

I believe I do have this dispute in my queue and I’ll get back to it a bit later today. Thanks.

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You should see my message responding to the dispute in your Bisq client now, @donacid. Let’s follow up there. Thanks.

Yep, received your message. Cheers.

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Issue has been resolved. Thanks @cbeams

Have a nice day guys, gotta get back to trading more on bisq :wink: