Resolved: win10 + RDP + bisq GUI is stuck

When I run Bisq (up to version 1.4.2) on Win10
if I access remotely via Remote Desktop and disconnect then reconnect with RDP,
the GUI becomes unresponsive and I must close the application and restart.

Here is a workaround that fixed this issue:

Edit file:

Add the following option in the [JVMOptions] section:


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Interesting. Might be a good idea to open an issue on the the Github (although this is probably an edge case)

This is indeed an edge case as a it affects only win10+rdp and it is caused by java not bisq.

Just wanted to update this post, since version 1.6.4 there is a new JVM:

I still still have win10 + RDP + bisq GUI getting stuf after reconnect.
The workaround is now:
Edit file:

Add the following option in the [JVMOptions] section:
