Safest payment method for BTC seller in Europe?

It has come to my attention that SEPA trades carry a chargeback risk in case the BTC buyer uses a hacked bank account.

Are there safer alternatives for a European?

As a side-question, what strategies do people use to mitigate the risk on SEPA sales? Only being the taker (when selling BTC) and filtering offers based on account age seems like a good strategy to me.

Against chargebacks, only F2F and bank cash deposit makes sense.

But don’t get mad about this, SEPA chargeback risk is very low. Old users haven’t done it (those who have limits over 0.01 btc to buy) and new security measures should make chargebacks cases extremely rare, as it always have been on Bisq.

I’ll add to your cautions that, as your bank account could get frozen for any reason, don’t use your primary bank account at Bisq.

bank cash deposits are unsafe too. many scammers use that method of payment giving your bank data to victims.