SCT Inst: SEPA instant payments

In spanish news I found this new informing that, since 17th july 2016 all the participant banks (a lot of them and I think that none will like to be out of it) will be transferring up to 15.000€ in less than 20 seconds, any day. Just like VISA.
It doesn’t say anything about chargebacks, but I feel that they want to make SEPA the same as now, but faster. Seems good news for Bitsquare and all euro economy, we will be able to make almost instant transactions at Bitsquare.

I found what seems an official page but I didn’t look at it very much.

Did some of you already know this was coming?

Yeah. Manfred just posted it about 5h ago

Seems like their are gonna be better options over time, as they get to compete with bitcoin more and more.

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