Seller wants payment to different bank account - is this OK?

I’m a BTC buyer as maker. My trading partner has sent me a message asking me to pay to a different account number and sort code than the one specified in the trade.

Should I? I don’t know if this exposes me to any risk or is against Bisq terms.

That would put you at risk:

Bitcoin sellers should not:

  • Confirm payments that do not match details in trade contract

Payer name, payment method, institution, trade ID (if provided), and other details of a payment should exactly match the details in the trade contract. If not, the payment should not be accepted.

See Trading Rules and Dispute Resolution


You should not sent payment to another account. This is against the trade protocol.

If BTC seller is unable to accept payment for the account they made the offer in they will have to pay you a penalty from their deposit amount.

Communicate with the seller. If they cannot accept payment to the account on Bisq you should open a dispute. To do this select pending trade and click: ‘Ctrl + o’ or ‘alt + o’ or ‘cmd + o’