Send funds problem

Getting error: You don’t have sufficient funds from the selected address. Consider to select multiple address in the table or change the fee toggle to include the miner fee.

Error message: The fee for that transaction exceeds the available funds or the resulting output value is below the minimum dust value. Missing (the same amount I’m withdrawing from the wallet)

So I’m withdrawing the exact amount in the address and I’m including the miner fee. I’ve done this send funds with other addresses and have had no problem. The funds are there but the software is not allowing them to be sent.

Please help!

@Wpcruq is this problem solved?

No. I have one address with .017 in it and I’m unable to send it.

I keep getting the same error and I don’t know what to do.
I get the same error no matter if I try to withdrawl the entire amount in the
address or even just a part of it.

Please help!

No Huey, please see my messages.

Sorry for taking this long. So if I understand it correctly, you have btc on your Bisq wallet that you want to withdraw, correct?
You may need to go to SETTINGS > PREFERENCES and on the left, set your “Withdrawal transaction fee (satoshis/byte)” to a minimum of “2” and “Min. non-dust output value” to “600”.
A transaction with one input and one output at 2 sats/byte should cost you around 400 bytes of mining fees. So as long the amount you are trying to withdraw is over 1000 sats, you should be able:

  1. to go to FUNDS > SEND FUNDS
  2. select all inputs
  3. tick “Use all available inputs” and “Amount includes mining fee”
  4. And “Withdraw Selected”

Thanks for responding. I just tried this however and am getting the same error message.

The only thing I can think of is I’m not updated. I’m still using version 1.2.3
Reason is because when I tried to update it went into some directory and I didn’t know
how to proceed to finalize update. I think there have been updates since this. So I don’t know if that would resolve the issue.

Sorry for taking this long. So if I understand it correctly, you have btc on your Bisq wallet that you want to withdraw, correct?
You may need to go to SETTINGS > PREFERENCES and on the left, set your “Withdrawal transaction fee (satoshis/byte)” to a minimum of “2” and “Min. non-dust output value” to “600”.
A transaction with one input and one output at 2 sats/byte should cost you around 400 bytes of mining fees. So as long the amount you are trying to withdraw is over 1000 sats, you should be able:

select all inputs
tick “Use all available inputs” and “Amount includes mining fee”
And “Withdraw Selected”

I tried this but get the same error message.

What is your OS? And can you confirm that the amount you’re trying to send is above 1000 sats? DM if you feel like sharing more private details.

In the meantime you can also try the “Open emergency wallet tool for BTC wallet” that can be found under SETTINGS > ABOUT. under shortcuts.

Hi yes it is .017 BTC. I’m on Windows 10