Setting up new account

Hi, i try to set up new Monero account and I’m asked to enter the address:

I supposed that bitsquare should generate the new address for me. Which address then I supposed to put here?

Nice thought for another improvement but for now one needs to download monero software at and create your own ‘MyWallet’ via the simplewallet prog.

so i need to create new wallet in monero wallet and then put this new address into bitsquare, right?



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I am new to Monero, didn’t know that setting up a wallet and receiving XMR will be more involving than DASH for example and I am learning on the fly. However, now I have to confirm a XMR payment from a seller on Bitsquare and I need a bit of help from someone more experienced, I got 14hours left :slight_smile:

So far, I downloaded the simplewallet and both the daemon and the client are the latest version.
I opened the client, set a wallet and generated an address. Unfortunately, I didn’t know that I have to run the daemon beforehand, hence, about the time consuming synchronization routine too. Thus, I have used the generated XMR address for the Bitsquare buying operation. Thus, I started waiting for the coins to be received by repeating the refresh and the balance command until I realized that there is something wrong.
Then, I paid attention on a message that says, “… make sure you have started the daemon …”! So I started the daemon and realized that the simplewallet is not that simple.

So the current situation is, I got Synced 57000/1269875 for 1h:10min of running. So I will need 20 hours with the same speed in order to reach 1269875 but until then the Bitsquare operation will be timed out.
if I use the remote node client option ./monero-wallet-cli --daemon-address, do I need to wait for this? Can I expect my funds at my address, since my address was generated by the client when the daemon wasn’t properly connected?

Thank you in advance!

The solution with a remote node client should work. I assume this is a typical use case. I’m not familiar with it, so don’t take my word for granted.

What I’d do is wait. Wait and if your coins show up, finish the trade. If the client doesn’t sync in time, you can open a dispute and the arbitrator will give you the time needed. You shouldn’t lose your security deposit in this case.

Thank you for the advice!

Yes, I am going to wait now! I am afraid not to mess up the synchronization by trying to open the client with the “remote node” option. Also, I gave the remote option a try beforehand and I didn’t work it out. So, I will wait to see what will happen after the long sync and I hope I will be able to log properly and see the coin.

Just to verify, after the sync, I am going to open the client with ./monero-wallet-cli in another terminal.
Then, I will check for the balance and my coins should be there, true?


I am not familiar with the remote node client option. Maybe ask at the Monero Forum or IRC.
Btw. you can use the official Monero GUI wallet as well, very nice app, but sync issue is the same.
No worry about the dispute. The security deposit will only be give to the other peer when a user is not following the protocol with bad intentions. In case of usability issues (you did not know the sync takes so long) we are tolerant. Just try to be once a day online with Bitsquare so the arbitrator can communicate with you.

Synced 847000 of 12702660, and very little chance to sync in time. Sure, I will be online with Bitsquare!


I assume I just closed your case… (if it was you…)

Yes, the case is closed, everything is fine at the end!
Thank you for your patience!

I would like to say few words to other newbies (Linux users) that may face my situation.
So, if you want to buy Monero (XMR) you need a wallet in order to obtain an XMR address.
The option I had chosen was the console version of the wallet.
First thing you should do is to start the daemon by going to the directory of the XMR wallet (using the Terminal) by typing:

$ ./monerod

Then your daemon will start syncing. There will be some green lines with information about ERRORs, INFOs and WARNINGs, then some yellow lines where you will be informed that the synchronization process will start. After the yellow lines you will start seeing lines like those:

2017-03-21 08:53:44.494 [P2P7] INFO global src/cryptonote_protocol/cryptonote_protocol_handler.inl:995 [ OUT] Synced 1263597/1270901
2017-03-21 08:55:55.537 [P2P6] INFO global src/cryptonote_protocol/cryptonote_protocol_handler.inl:995 [ OUT] Synced 1263797/1270901
2017-03-21 08:57:21.216 [P2P1] INFO global src/cryptonote_protocol/cryptonote_protocol_handler.inl:995 [ OUT] Synced 1263997/1270901

This is what you have to wait until the last block is synchronized! In my case it takes very long time, 2 days and still not done as you see (16GB RAM, Intel i5, but slow and not very stable internet).

So, if you are in my situation, when time is very precious you can go around with this issue! You can leave the daemon synching and open the client with the option of using a remote node which will reduce the time of synchronization to about 20-30 minutes in my case.
You can open the client using this option by typing:

$ ./monero-wallet-cli --daemon-address ADDRESS.OF.HOST:18089

,where the ADDRESS.OF.HOST:18089 option could be for example:


You can find other options here (by the way, read the whole page, it is full of helpful information)

Now, you have to put the name of the wallet, the password and if the client connects to the remote node you will see (after a while) a message that you are synchronizing:

Starting refresh…
Height: 1271028 / 1271035

When the refresh is done, the block counter will disappear and you will see something like this:

Refresh done, blocks received: 335
Balance: 0.00000000000, unlocked balance: 0.000000000000
Background refresh thread started

This is the case when you do not have coins :slight_smile: If you have coins, you will not have only zeros but some positive numbers as well.

If you do not connect the server, you will have this for example:

Error: wallet failed to connect to daemon: Daemon either is not started or wrong port was passed. Please make sure daemon is running or restart the wallet with the correct daemon address.

The conclusion is that you can try to synchronize remotely while you are waiting for your local node to be build up. Everybody suggests that the best is if you have a local node. So, in the long term, it seems a must. Also, donations are recommended for using remote nodes, hence it is not a good idea to rely on them all the time for free.

Cheers, have a nice trading with Bitsquare!

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