What does this mean?
(Sorry for super-slow response. I will stay logged in to the forum.)
What does this mean?
(Sorry for super-slow response. I will stay logged in to the forum.)
In order to do a manual payout you need:
@keo has their own ArbitratorMultiSigPubKeyHex and you can find the other two on the JSON contract file. With these three public keys they can recreate the Redeem Script using a tool like https://www.coinb.in/#newMultiSig if they’re having problems with the Bisq manual payout tool. If at first you don’t get the same multisig address, change the order of the public keys.
Once they have the Redeem Script, they can load it in https://www.coinb.in/#newTransaction and it’ll fetch the unspent transaction outputs and load them into inputs. They’ll have just to fill in the new outputs with an address you gave them and leaving some of the amount for the mining fees. At minimum 400 sats as the transaction will weight around 400 bytes.
They can then sign it on https://www.coinb.in/#sign using their private key in WIF and send you the encoded transaction. You can verify it on https://www.coinb.in/#verify and if it’s ok you can also sign it on https://www.coinb.in/#sign using your private key in WIF and then broadcast it on http://explorernuoc63nb.onion/tx/push.
Thanks a lot for the detailed response! By “they” do you mean @keo? Is @keo the only one who can initiate and sign this?
EDIT: removed info
Is there anything else which I need to do now?
Yes I mean @keo because you don’t have his arbitrator public key. Also let’s move this conversation to private messages.
Ok thanks.
Sorry to bump this but this issue never got resolved. @keo didn’t answer my messages and now no longer seems to post here.
Is there anything which can be done to free up these bitcoins without the participation of the arbitrator?
Thanks in advance for any help!
Hi @trybtc thanks for following up.
I can see there are funds from your trade still in the multi-sig mempool - Bitcoin Explorer
Do you still have access to the same Bisq that you did this trade with?
Thanks for the response!
The trade was initiated on October 29, 2018, with Bisq version 0.8.0. I am currently running Bisq version 1.1.5 from August 8, 2019. The trade data should all still be there, I still have the same computer and didn’t do any clean installs of my OS or anything like that.
Should I avoid updating to the latest Bisq (1.7.2)?
Thanks for letting me know.
It is fine to update to the latest version.
I would recommend backing up first Backing up application data - Bisq Wiki
I will reach out to @leo816 who is the support lead to let him know that you are available to access your funds.
Please can you reach out to me on Keybase Keybase
My username there is: pazza
Thanks! Done all of the above. Bisq application running just fine.