[Suggestion] Support sell/buy Bitcoin through products/services online

This is a copy of my suggestion on github. I’ve just copied here to get more comments/opinions:

A good example of this kind o possibility is https://purse.io (and currently, it is working very well)
Or the defunct Brawker (some videos https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCaZ6K9lv-olWe0mV-5u1F9w )

The idea is to connect the different interests of two users and accomplish both.

An user A will want to buy “something” with his bitcoins (a services or a product)
He will need to compile a form with these informations:

  • URL of the product/service (ex: http://store.steampowered.com/app/262120)
  • Currency showed on the website link (ex: USD)
  • Cost of the product/service (in the specified currency, ex $14.99)
  • Current price of the bitcoin in the specified currency (ex: 416.03 USD)
  • Discount preferred by the user (A) (ex: 20%)
  • Some more instructions before the acceptance
  • Some more instructions after the acceptance
  • Possible more contact informations

The user B wants to buy Bitcoin with credit/debit card / Paypal / coupon …, and find the request of user A on Bitsquare.
He will be able to see:

  • The price ($14.99)
  • Discount preferred by the user A (ex: 20%)
  • The price of the bitcoin chosen by user A 416.03 USD
  • How many bitcoins he will receive ( 1 / 416.03 * 14.99 * 0.80 = 0.02882484 BTC)
  • A part of the url (ex: http://store.steampowered.com/xxxxxx)
  • Some more instructions before the acceptance

User B will accept

User A will look at the profile of user B and will choose to accept or not (now for the example he will accept)

Bitsquare will ask to user A to depost the 0.02882484 BTC on the escrow/arbiter address

User B, after the User A acceptance will also see:

  • Some more instructions after the acceptance
  • Possible more contact informations
    User B will wait to see the depost of Bitcoin and then will buy the product/service requested by user A.

After user A will receive the product/service (after few minutes or days), than he will unlock the bitcoins to user B.

There can be even another step, where user(s) B will say that he will buy the product/service not for 20% of discount but for less (ex 15%)
User A will be able to see many different proposals from different users, and will choose which one he prefers.

This is just an idea, it can be improved for sure :wink:

I just want to give an up to this idea. :slight_smile:
Is this still hard to add on the current core of Bitsquare?

Discount cards are not money. You can sell these cards, or any service or product, at OpenBazaar.

Still both supply and demand are covered on this idea, and I think that Bitsquare has almost everything that it is needed to this this kind of exchange between users :slight_smile:

This isn’t only about coupons, they are probably the minor cases.

The most difficult part is that the transfer of a good or service needs to be verifiable by an arbitrator. Due to the nature of trading tons of different goods and services it will be lots of work to create a process to make these transfers goods and services verifiable.

It would be trivial if you could verify the transfer with TLSNotary (PageSigner)

It’s not impossible, just lots of effort. Like Manfred uses to say we have to make ‘one step after the other’.