Trade amount limited because of security restrictions

I have a Revolut account which will be validated in 21 days. Until now I had a transaction limit of 0.01 BTC but today this limit has just increased to 0.002 BTC with the following message:

The allowed trade amount is limited to 0.0020 BTC because of security restrictions based on the following criteria:

  • User-defined trade limit
  • Your account has not been signed by an arbitrator or a peer
  • The time since signing of your account is not at least 30 days
  • The payment method for this offer is considered risky for bank chargebacks

I understood that my limit of 0.01 would be lifted upon validation of my account (in 21 days) but I cannot find any information concerning a restriction of 0.002 BTC. Is this due to the number of transactions already carried out? At their amounts? Do I have to wait 21 days for this restriction to be lifted? If you could enlighten me on this point.
Best regards

Due to the increase of BTC prices the limit for unsigned accounts was decreased to 0.002 BTC.

Once your account is signed in 21 days you will be able to trade for amounts above 0.002 BTC.

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The trading limit once signed, which was 0.125 BTC, has been reduced too, to 0.0624 BTC.

As Bisq bases this limits in BTC, they need to be adjusted as BTC value goes up.

I have an account which is now 32 days old which is still unsigned. A trade was made, with an account that was signed, on the first day the account was opened, which should have signed my account.
Who do I contact about this?

If it failed for some reason (we know about an unsolved bug where sometimes the signing data does not broadcast) what you need to do is removing your account and trying again.
Make sure you follow the requirements for your account to be signed: Account limits - Bisq Wiki

If mediation was required, your account is not signed.

Thanks for the advice.
I got an message from a bisq_bot providing me with a ticket ID and a link to support at
Is this legitimate?

No it is scammer trying to get your keys!

Ok, thanks.

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