Trade ID 53919813

Can you post the 2 trade fee tx and the deposit tx?

This is the last transaction I can see in my transactions:
I believe this is the deposit transaction ID.
The other transactions in my wallet are for earlier dates and cannot be for this trade.
I cannot find the fee transaction in the app.

@alexej996 I am trying to figure out how to do that.

@cbeams @keo
Can you check if you had an dispute and if so do the payout again.
If it does not help or if you did not had a dispute we need to make a manual payout.

The arbitrator will get back to you to make the payout.

@anotherusernamei, I have just created and assigned it to @keo to track getting this manual payout completed. Please click Subscribe on that issue so you can stay up to date with its progress (you’ll need to create a GitHub account if you don’t already have one).

@cbeams @keo Is there an estimated time when this will be done?

I will try to do the manual payout now.

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I encountered what seems to be a bug in manual payout. I will continue when this is resolved.

Hi another… . Please go to Bisq and follow the instructions in the message from me. I should be able to do the payout when I get your private key.


I don’t see any messages from you in Bisq! Hence, I don’t know what instructions to follow!

OK, then contact me on Use the trade ID in the subject line.
