Trade went into Arbitration but no response from Arbitrator

Hi, my trade with Trade ID 51489 went into Arbitration but no response from the Arbitrator.
BTC Buyer disappeared and wont respont or accept the resolution.
Please release my BTC.

This is my first trade on Bisq and unfortunately it was horrible experience so far :frowning:

Hello, on the documentation you can read more about the arbitration process. Right now it reads that:

Arbitrators are required to respond to messages within 5 days, so it may take a bit longer for them to respond than mediators (you should still respond to messages within 2 days).

Hi, thanks for the response.
Its been a month since starting my the trade on Bisq and my funds are still locked.
I hope other users have better experience with Bisq :frowning:

Hi can you DM me the details of dispute? What happened? Not the trader’s identifiers. I’m also on the Bisq Keybase team as huey735.