I am new to Bisq and am struggling to interpret the fee structure for trading
If I created an offer to sell BTC would I be correct in saying the total fee that is incurred upon me is the arbitration fee of 0.001BTC + the mining fee of the transaction?
Hello @drjoe, when taking a trade you must put forward a min security deposit equal to 15% of the trade value, this helps protect both parties (both have to place a security deposit) this is returned once the trade is completed. There is then a trade fee (depends on trade size) and the mining fee. When taking a trade all fees are displayed so you know exactly how much you are spending. As for the trade fees you can use BTC or BSQ (a coloured bitcoin token https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Colored_Coins) More info for taking a trade can be found here --> https://docs.bisq.network/getting-started.html