Transaction refused warning

I get transaction refused warning every time I accept an offer, make an offer or close finished offer. Now I got it just randomly after start. After that Bisq says it “failed to connect to bitcoin mainnet”. Bisq is freshly installed and I restored my account from seed.

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Are you using your own node or the provided bitcoin nodes?

If using the default provided bitcoin nodes how many ‘Bitcoin network peers’ do you see in the bottom right of the screen?

Using public nodes. Usually I’ve got 8 to 12 nodes connected. I’ve got a fast internet connection.

Are you running the latest version of Bisq v1.9.18?

How many bitcoin network peers are you seeing when Bisq is loaded?

If you are seeing more than 3 and are on the latest Bisq version I would do an SPV resync Resyncing SPV file - Bisq Wiki

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