Unresponsive sellers

I love bisq and I use quite often but it’s really annoying when you get unresponsive sellers. It happens frequently and it’s really annoying to have to wait for a dispute to be solved (some arbitrators also take forever to respond).

I’m not sure if this has been discussed before but I think the coins should be automatically released after a certain period of time (36h hours?) if the seller doesn’t do any thing.

Arbitrators should respond within 24h. Currently one of the arbitrators is having some health issues, so he can take longer to respond, but in future arbitration should be pretty quick.

Speed of transactions is very useful to traders, but security is even more important.
I am not sure about adding locktime to funds, but in case of bugs or specifically targeted DoS attacks, there could be an issue.

Buyers can be unresponsive as well though, so I don’t think that adding one way solution would be a good idea.

I hope he gets better soon.

What about a feature to nudge the counterpart? Obviously, you’d be limited to nudge once per day or every 12h or something like that.

I don’t think that would help, since sellers would already likely confirm the payment if they were at their desktops.