USPS money orders and arbitration

Hello, everyone. I read the document about the arbitration system. I notice it’s written assuming the involvement of bank accounts. That’s fine if you use such a payment method. However, I’m thinking about using USPS money orders, and wondered what the process would be like in that case.

How will the buyer prove they sent the MO. I was thinking about maybe sending via Certified Mail, which provides proof of mailing and delivery (or delivery attempt). A Return Receipt provides the recipient’s signature at delivery; it can be mailed back or provided via email (faster and less expensive, but I’m not sure if it can be proof). Certified Mail can also have Restricted Delivery, requiring the addressee to be the one to sign (for an extra fee, of course).

So, my questions are: which of these would be needed? Are any of them needed? Thanks.

How do you prove that the buyer didn’t just send you nothing or a random piece of paper with signature requirements or other fancy shipping verification? Proof of “funds” were delivered but you have no funds. :frowning:

[EDIT] Some interesting links involving usps money orders…

My point exactly. Except my perspective is that of the one sending it. I know Certified Mail is highly respected. But I don’t know just how one is supposed to prove or disprove the contents.

Incidentally, USPS money orders can be traced, by filing form 6401 (the receipt is required for this), and waiting up to 30 days for an answer, whether it was cashed or not. If not, they issue a replacement (at least 60 days after the MO was issued).

I checked out the online thing before. AFAICT, it’s for checking on the status of a form 6401 inquiry or to see whether a given serial number or block of numbers has been reported lost or stolen. You can’t use it (by itself) to check if a MO has been cashed.