Where Was My BTC Payment Taken From?

I sold some BTC & received payment in my bank account, yet there was no request to send BTC. The transaction is marked as completed, what was the source of the BTC?

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If you are the maker when you create the offer to sell bitcoin it allocates funds in your bitcoin wallet for the security deposit and trade amount. When the trade is taken the funds get locked in a multsig and once you confirm payment was received the trade pays out.

If you were the taker you locked your deposit and trade amount at the time the offer is taken. Once you confirm payment the funds are released.

Have a look at the Bisq wiki Bisq 1 - Bisq Wiki this is a good place for information about how everything works.

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Thanks for the reply, I created an offer to sell BTC & was expecting a request to send BTC from an external wallet as I didn’t want to use BISQ funds. Maybe I should’ve paid closer attention to the setup.

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When you create a trade you get the option to fund from your Bisq wallet or use an external wallet. Either way the funds enter a multisig when taken so you do not need to make a separate transaction to send the funds, it is all done automatically through the trade process.

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You get the option to fund the deposit from an external wallet, but I don’t see an option to send the purchased BTC from an external wallet.

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Are you trying to send the bitcoin you have in Bisq to an external wallet?

If so you can do this on the Funds, Send Funds section.

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No, I created a new offer to sell BTC for GBP, when I confirm receipt of payment the BTC is automatically released to the buyer from my BISQ funds. I’m looking for an option to send BTC to the buyer from an external wallet.

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How come you wish to do that?
It is not possible though, in multisig trading protocol all funds are locked when the trade starts, so the trade amount is necessarily spent out of the multisig deposit.
You can use external wallet funds by funding your bisq wallet from said external wallet, but the payout is nonetheless automatic

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Bisq Easy in bisq 2 works like that, there are no btc locked for the trade. bisq.wiki

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Yes I did consider pre-funding the wallet, using an external wallet would make my accounting easier, ie. if no one took the offer there would be an extra UTXO in my BISQ wallet & wouldn’t I pay fees twice? Anyway thanks for clarifying that.

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I understand your point now.
With the way the multisig protocol works, that wouldn’t be possible though, Bisq1 requires a hot wallet, and an internal one at that, to be able to manage transactions directly.

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I pre-funded my BISQ wallet then discovered, if sending the trade deposit from an external wallet the BTC is added to the deposit at the last step, there is also a link to fund from an external wallet.

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