Zelle Payment takes 3 business days

My bank regulates Zelle accounts that are less that 90 days old. They make Zelle payments take 3 BUSINESS days to complete. Not knowing this I accepted an offer for me to buy BTC.

The Bisq deadline on Zelle payment trades is 4 calendar days. Seeing I made this payment on a Friday before a holiday weekend the transfer will take 6 calendar days to complete taking me past the Bisq deadline.

This is an inconvenience to the seller and puts me in violation of the contract even though I initiated the payment within hours of blockchain confirmation. I made the seller aware of the issue right away.

My suggestion is to increase the allowable time for Zelle payments to 4 business days

Bisq can’t know if it’s a business day, but don’t worry, if you made the payment on time, just explain your peer the situation through the chat. He should understand, and opening mediation is only when there’s a clear protocol violation, it’s not mandatory to do it after the trading period expires.