Any cunning linguists among us?

Directories above have been changed to reflect the new layout in repository. Links working again.

I will do Korean

@ygzen 고맙습니다

Hello. Spanish guy here, but 0 programming knowledge. I did some translation at transifex, but there I only had to focus on translation.
I think I’ll need help in this phase.

I’m quite confident we’ll have a lot of translators.

available for italian language here.

Awesome response guys. Grab those files and start!


I didn’t know we already could have started. I had to create github account! I hope my work it’s fine.
Could I help translating FAQ’s/wiki Bitsquare’s page? How? I think this is the most important now in translation stuff.

Thanks to all for your support!!!

Translations on the webpage would be good but it would require first a multi-language support. I don’t have a dedicated web dev atm and my priorities are to get the DAO model implemented. I would propose to delay that after the DAO then I can hire a web dev and maybe we do even a redesign of the webpage.

Spanish file is done, many thanks.

As Manfred is saying, these files are incomplete but even partial translation is a good start. Once I get all the strings in the files maybe I can get the same guys to review the changes.

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I’ll start with the italian translation, but Transifex can help a lot :slight_smile:

What are the basic requirements to qualify as an Open Source account?

We are proud and humbled to be hosting the largest Open Source translation community in the world. We offer Transifex for free to Open Source projects that have no funding, revenue, and/or commercialization model. If you have a question whether your organization qualifies for our Open Source program, please contact us.


Ohhh i actually didn’t see that part when i looked at their pricing and kind of dismissed them as an option.
Ok we should setup our project there asap.

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I contacted them and applied for a free license.

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Can you enable the participating to the translation without always requesting the permission?

Don’t understand the question. You mean in Transiflex?

Uh yes, sorry :grin:

I have not looked closer into transiflex. @riclas has management access there, so he might be able to help.

Please direct transifex queries to me in the future.

@ManfredKarrer are you able to open the page of the team? i’m not…
There should be an option to automatically accept a join request.

Ok, I understand their structure now… You need to add me as a Team Manager @ManfredKarrer

Just added you.

And I just added @HostFat as the italian coordinator.
Coordinators for other languages are welcome.