BTC stuck in escrow / arbitrator unresponsive


I have a disputed sell transaction for which the payment was not received and now the funds have been stuck in escrow for over a year. The arbitrator is unreponsive. Who can release my BTC funds?


Can you post the arbitrator onion address?

Hello Manfred!
I am pretty much in the same situation. The arbitrator’s onion address is swfmgmb2aoyqxkte.onion.

Thank you for everything!

The arbitrators address is 3b7cft5k4ae6a236.onion:9999


3b7cft5k4ae6a236 was an old arbitrator not active since 5 months. Can you post the deposit tx? the payout tx was probably done already and you might have missed the close dispute message.

swfmgmb2aoyqxkte was an old arbitrator not active since 9 months. Can you post the deposit tx? the payout tx was probably done already and you might have missed the close dispute message.

sure. 1874aef30ab8670aea8849a280e077c9e4a5f3337a05b685ad597fc6339f84ad

Oh that is not paid out. I will tell the old arbitrator to open up again the case. Can you post the trade ID?

@rgaetan it might take a bit until the old arbitrator will be able to open that old app. please have patience and be sure to have updated to latest version.

Thank you!
The trade id is 4276391-f006a64c-132c-43f3-8bc4-20e0807e2b7a-070

Does the bisq app have to be open all the time?

No, it does not have to be open all the time but once the arbitrator will get to it you need to open it at some point. so once a day would be good to open it… I will let u know once he has time to do the payout

Hi Manfred,

here is the deposit tx ID:


@Darr What is the trade ID? I will let the old arbitrator know to open up the old app. Will take a bit. Be sure to have you app open once a day so it can create the payout

Thank you for everything you have done for the community Manfred!

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Hi Manfred,

Trade ID: suGj2-b22388da-1702-4505-baa8-f9c121757133-070


Hi Manfred,

there has been no change sofar. BTC still stuck.

Any idea what can be done about it?

It’s not common to deal with cases so old. It might take some time for an old arbitrator to setup his old address back online.

This is old @keo’s address, if I’m not wrong.

Yes indeed.

@Keo, anything you can do about this?

Can the Bisq protocol not automatically release escrow funds after a significant time (e.g. 1 month) in case an arbitrator fails to resolve a situation ?

I am trying to get some help with this since I cannot fix the problems with the old address myself. We’ll see if the problem can be fixed at all.