Latest update issues on imac

Hi there
The last bisq version (1.9.15) stopped working for me and required a mandatory update.

I attempted to install the new version 1.9.17 on two different iMacs (Catalina 10.15.7 and on Ventura 13.6.7) with no success.

A “Bisq is damaged and can’t be opened. You should move it to the trash” message keeps appearing despite trying to cmd+open, and using terminal to allow apps.

So, I reinstalled 1.9.15 to try to:

  1. Cmd+E emergency send or send out normally to a different wallet, and
  2. cmd+J to get wallet keys.

I could not Cmd+E because app is not fully synced. I deleted SPV, started again and waited hours only to have it “hang” unusually at 98% (Block 849137 or so). It will not get past this hang. On another thread someone mentioned switching to new database, so I will try that next.

On the issue of keys: I retrieved keys with Cmd+J but could not import the WIF into Electrum. Some previous posts I saw mentioned that you could go to Electrum but I could not with seed or keys. A wallet gets created but the balance is 0, using keys or seed.

I also downloaded Bisq 2 Beta to check it out. It installs just fine. The problem is just with the new “mandatory” version.

Does anyone know how or where I can use my seed or WIF key?

Thank you!

Using the search function of this forum or reading release notes would have saved you from trying a lot of dangerous stuff:

Thank you for the response.

My favorite thing is the search function in forums, so I can confirm I did do that :slight_smile:

Although I did also read the Release Notes, I tried an :apple: forum sudo command and it wasn’t specific enough to open Bisq. The fix you linked worked on Ventura (not Catalina) as you stated, and did allow me to fresh install 1.9.17 !

I’ve now done a wallet seed recover and am currently syncing, so I wait. I also did the custom bitcoin node fix (here: Temp fix for btc network connection in Bisq1 · GitHub) because at first it was stuck at 1% with no activity. It is now doing something slowly and seems normal.

I maintain Cold Storage and have used Bisq regularly since 2017 and plan to continue. I probably should do a new wallet to clean up the database. However, it would be nice to know I could use my keys if I had to. [UPDATE: I was able to use my seed for electrum. BIP39/native segwit. the derivation path that worked for me was m/44’/0’/1’, which is noted in the app itself. Works great)

Thanks again! Appreciate your time!

You’re welcome.

Search better next time. Or don’t search, but ask first before trying sketchy things.
Importing your seed to electrum is an emergency measure. It’s a good thing to know, but I would consider that seed as compromised. If you import the pubkey it’s fine though, a good option to put labels and control funds.

If you have the wallet since 2017 (or 2023, for what it matters) it’s highly recommended to start a new wallet.