Payment received, Incorrect BIC, What do?

I found these two previous posts just now after trying some different searches:

Start payment or not - In this one, it seems the user has taken up an offer to buy some coins using SEPA and has noticed the BIC seems incorrect having checked what to expect using an IBAN calculator. It’s suggested to open a dispute, but this is prior to any exchange of value, is my interpretation.

Cash Deposit, details do not match - In this one the user has already been paid in fiat but the user seems to only be able to confirm the reference. Manfred suggests it’s not such a big deal so long as the IBAN and the name are correct.

So the second case might be applicable to my case, in that I’ve received payment and the IBAN and name are correct (and reference), but the BIC is completely different.

Hopefully someone here can 100% confirm the appropriate action for me to take though?