Suggest "via Wise" payments for sellers asking for non-SEPA (and non-Wise account) payments

This another thread following up on the discussions about using Wise as a via payment system (i.e. not to a Wise account nor from a Wise account).

I will give an example to clarify the above.

Let’s say I am a seller of BTC and asked for payment in a currency where there is no or very few takers e.g. CHF. How could I suggest possible takers that they can take the offer and pay via Wise? Should we add a “via Wise” in Choose payment method? Or could the offer also be shown in Choose payment method is Transferwise? I am not saying we should ; that is more of an idea and a question.

A few relevant points:

  • Wise is recommended in the pinned thread: How to make your offers more successful? pointing to TransferWise is the perfect fit for Bisq
  • I get the sense from a thread discussing usage of Wise to take SEPA offer that the practice is tolerated [1][2] but against Bisq’s policy [3] at the time [3] thread was written) because as of today ;
  • it is tolerated/allowed(?): "TransferWise can be used in SEPA trades as well, where one peer uses SEPA and another uses TransferWise.[4]

Thought: if Wise<>SEPA can take place, should SEPA (and maybe Instant SEPA) trade also show when Choose payment method is Transferwise is selected? Or rather, should seller with Payment method elect for their offer to show up in Choose payment method is Transferwise?

And again, back to my initial question, with regards to sellers asking for payment in non-SEPA account: could sellers with non-SEPA Payment method elect for their offers to show up in Choose payment method is Transferwise or (hypothetically) a new category: via Wise?

[1] Can You Use TransferWise to Make SEPA Payments? - #3 by john9234
[2] Can You Use TransferWise to Make SEPA Payments? - #5 by jkepler
[3] Can You Use TransferWise to Make SEPA Payments? - #6 by w000000t
[4] TransferWise - Bisq Wiki

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